I have officially picked up the gauntlet of storyteller. It’s who I’ve always been and will always be.
My lifelong struggle surrounding that identity has been confusion about how to incorporate that with the rest of me who:
desperately desires to live an authentic, emotionally healthy, ever-curious life and isn’t willing to compromise those values for money
needs to make a living and refuses to work jobs that are below her status (that’s not hubris - that’s self-respect) I KNOW I’m meant for more
I recently wrote about this conundrum on my professional blog at Shine a Light Marketing.
Guys… I believe I’ve - finally - discovered the solution!
Feast your eyes on this, my new program offering from Shine a Light Marketing…
Once Upon a Business
Unearth, Claim and Proclaim Your Business’ Story
Coming to life in real time, Once Upon a Business is a program designed to help entrepreneurs dig deep to unearth the TRUE STORY of their business that will resonate with their ideal client and help them attract more of the “right” clients.
It’s the perfect combination of my storytelling persona here at Once Upon a Time and my professional storytelling self. I don’t think it gets better than this kind of serendipity.
I’m a born storyteller who professionally helps people unearth, claim and proclaim their business’ story. Kismet, anyone?